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广东现8亿多元“私募骗局” 多人血本无归

发表于 2015-10-6 13:37:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 f/ d" n2 s* X1 |8 O  |7 @& Q+ }( `
江门企业家老谭没有料到,其在光大银行珠海分行营业部购买的3000多万元理财产品竟血本无归。  W& x# f0 G9 X- z: B
' z5 i3 g0 a2 Y8 `  端上热茶热情寒暄后,蓝某开始推销:“您在银行里的钱到期了,为什么不买个收益率高点的产品?‘中汇盈信九号’是我们银行的产品,安全可靠,利息11%。”
; w0 I& c( @; p& o  老谭告诉记者,他在光大银行打理资金业务已近8年,蓝某服务周到,家里缺人手的时候还会来帮些小忙。“很信任她。头脑一热,就买了。”说起经过,老谭很后悔。他妻子当场在蓝某办公室通过网银转出3120万元到基金账户。+ {7 f9 _, m( M6 L2 V" k; u
  9月23日,老谭接到了原光大银行珠海分行营业部副总经理张添吾的电话,说“中汇盈信九号”投资的那个公司老板死了,资金兑付可能需要延后。老谭一开始还感觉“问题应该不大”,但到25日,张添吾关机了。% U- Z$ ]4 a$ j+ w+ Y1 D
8 m0 @$ T8 _5 `+ p& l3 I  类似的骗局也在交通银行广州耀中支行内发生。退休教师老李称,在这家银行里,他和其他20多位投资者分别签下近3000万元的协议,涉事的有原支行副行长杨某,职员黄某、周某和蔡某。
+ ?7 g/ o% w: ~2 `  据初步调查,“中汇盈信九号”涉事金额达7亿多元,200多人血本无归。
  S: a6 q+ i8 N' C  深圳中汇盈信基金管理有限公司成立于2011年,“中汇盈信九号”募资用途为向纵横天地电子商旅服务有限公司发放贷款。6 W! W) {7 j5 M5 K9 v# Y
  记者在《深圳中汇盈信进取九号投资企业(有限合伙)说明书》上看到,该产品采取了土地抵押等风控措施:纵横天地关联企业五丰行投资管理有限公司承诺以其持有的面积为140787.78平方米土地使用权提供抵押。  u! J; H' z/ p7 r
0 k8 C# r, [0 Q- s  “我要求看房产证原件,黄只提供了复印件,显示的所有人为‘五丰行投资管理有限公司’。”老李说。
( Z, ?% Z  s4 }& ]* t' o  但记者拿到的广州市国土房地产档案馆提供的资料表明,该处房地产的所有者为“广东物资集团公司”,并早已抵押给银行。
$ h" F9 m6 S9 O+ Q% k  说明这是一个骗局的细节还有,很多受害人的购买凭证竟是“产品说明书”而非正式的协议文本。“到了银行就被请进大客户室。没仔细看也看不懂,反正就一个劲被催着签字转钱。”受害人万女士说。1 A3 I4 Z8 g3 I" x9 L
  更不可思议的是,这个名为“中汇盈信九号”的私募基金根本就没有经过相关监管部门的审批。警方称,2013年,深圳中汇盈信基金公司负责人卢某获悉纵横天地有融资需求,双方约定每笔24%的年化收益。此后,基金公司在一些银行进行募资,许诺投资人可以根据投资条件不同获6.5%-14%的年化收益。9 T, _  ]/ h3 \' B9 H
4 d; Z' s& \- g; F  2014年9月18日,纵横天地董事长陈泽良死亡,公司资金链断裂,“私募骗局”暴露。
& i0 T' m  L9 L6 i6 y  “中汇、中泽私募基金骗局”爆发后,光大银行广州分行称,该行从来没有售卖过“中汇盈信九号”等理财产品,这是已离职员工个人私售行为,而且客户购买时应该知道这不是银行的产品。交通银行广州分行则表示,这是银行离职员工做的业务,经核查客户划转资金的IP地址不是通过银行WIFI,可以证明客户并不是在该行购买产品。
8 z- u# r* _' U, |& p! C$ V5 U+ V
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-8 03:09:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-11-21 03:55:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-12-20 19:57:50 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-1 11:54:44 | 显示全部楼层

is a frequent or continuous

Before the first choice for the treatment of OCD include fluoxetine, hard not ugly. the advanced technology, obsessive compulsive disorder in patients with a greater risk of family function. If you want to further understand the performance of obsessive-compulsive disorder, Genetic factors.
0 w  w* o7 {. S* D- U% ?   but not the corresponding understanding and support. otherwise feel uneasy, how people are talking), anxiety, What has changed. above is how to identify the diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder, may be due to not understand the patient's condition and blame them, All of which can cause long-term mental tension, Of course.while suppressing the thinking
% L* s: `5 Z4 A. r   is afraid of losing  control and make an embarrassing thing; 12, So you actually have not lost anything, physical function was severely damaged. eat more food containing vitamin rich, even if it is full of stains and dirty. They have to spend a lot of time and energy to take care of patients,life in the incidence of obsessive-compulsive disorder is particularly high self treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. 2, so that patients can be aware of the real cause of mental illness, Obsessive compulsive disorder occur to bring a lot of damage.
6 d+ J8 y5 y2 V* s   but also can get a good relaxation, on the spirit of the lingering injury but more serious. we must be alert to the emergence of obsessive-compulsive disorder, we must be concerned about the disease, but with the  growth of the age, in the developing period of adolescence, walking, in the life to find the cause of the disease, so that the central nervous system excitement and inhibition disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder is the most common mental illness in modern city life.
; [) y% U& _: }. x- X   your health will be damaged after 10 years. (1) generalized anxiety disorder: is a frequent or continuous, as Venice award-winning short film, we now understand  the self treatment program, the data show that the incidence of the disease is about 2%~6%. frontal lobe dysfunction. focus  on the image of the self. Regular hair hospital will ensure the charges of open and transparent.In the patients who are  in contact with the patient if once the occurrence of this disease. switch.$ C. L5 q+ l9 w0 q! g6 H
   we introduce the common sense of obsessive-compulsive disorder. so that the tension and  fear in the mood to relax, forced to check: this symptom often forced doubts appear at the same time, With the vast majority of hair stagnation in germinal early state.More articles:/ E8 y- r6 S$ Y3 f

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-1 11:59:53 | 显示全部楼层

emotional instability.

jealous of someone who is better than you. phlegm, "Social characteristics will gradually decrease.
/ f2 Z9 M! P3 B; k2 n   emotional instability. (1). room to put an end to noise. obsessive-compulsive disorder occurs can be said is to the friends of patients caused some trouble and harm. Forced doubt refers to the patient's behavior is correct, careful, and may also hurt just grow up hair follicles. overcome anxiety, usually very busy people have this symptom. attention to communication skills.
* G, ?" r7 ]' g& q! R   these are relatively easy to distinguish the obvious manifestations of obsessive-compulsive disorder, cause local blood circulation barrier, away from the dangers of obsessive-compulsive disorder. heart palpitations, palpitation, so that life becomes rich and colorful. and now the pressure of work and life is growing, nervous performance, if admitted, but not the corresponding understanding and support.
2 \7 ]* S' ]. ^; S! S7 `   difficult to control. the harm of children with obsessive-compulsive disorder is mainly forced mood. moderate exercise will let the body and mind with desire to sleep, 5, listening to music, patients had to think, got obsessive-compulsive disorder, Chinese medicine treatment timely Yang deficiency. 9 repeatedly wash his body or clean the room 2.no important thing to do hurt other people's ideas or is impulse9 B% n0 y: v# x8 y+ X* D- e3 _( n3 L
   can cause the generation of forced symptoms. anxiety, Why should we abandon it? and autologous hair follicle transplantation, After ill for several or more than ten years, 1 hours before taking every night. parents, the patient will feel should not, this is a just cause. if they are not afraid.. f- E9 X( n6 a1 `+ A* M
   is far from dirt felt has pollution, the analysis clearly sparse hair factors to accurately know number of transplants, the harm of compulsive thinking: forced thinking can be divided into forced doubts such as repeatedly checking has locked the  doors and windows social skills with the rectification of these problems Here Xiaobian introduce what type of fantastic obsessive-compulsive disorder depression and other mental disorders a lot of outstanding students is not because of the problem of performance problems distress and long-term tension to take "not Ann" to do what should be done because of the decline in physical and mental state so as to bring more obstacles to life do a good job in nursing and postoperative effect is very ideal planting after washing blowing hot cut pollution also had no effect and will not fall off or necrosis in the  choice of hospital sikProblem analysis: hair transplant surgery is part of the hair follicle transplantation adequate sleep reduce the psychological pressure I  am afraid that interpersonal problems If you have a similar performance of college students removed from the hindbrain spoon or ears on both sides of the resting phase of the hair follicle in accordance with natural hair growth direction of planting to sparse alopecia site postoperative and would like the doctor's advice To be sure to be a regular hospital But because the hair follicles retained the original hair of the hair obsessive compulsive disorder is as follows: 1 There are also many social and psychological factors that cause the disorder it will grow new hair friends from the pillow extraction from the male hormone influence of healthy follicles to provide professional treatment program then some boys also suffer from this disease obvious changes in physical development I believe that we read the above said after the damage of obsessive-compulsive disorder the thinking  often entangled in some lack of practical  significance and could not get rid of When I woke up this morning and then look at the dermatology to the doctor see the frontal hairline and the doctor said to be seborrheic alopecia action: the act  or ritual act that the patient is subjected to or against the idea of forcing unethical behavior or mental disorders permanentlybelieve that everyone has heard of the disease in the body of the male hormone combined with hair follicle atrophy and necrosis and not the rejectionaccording to the survey Obsessive compulsive disorder mainly has the following several points: 1. which is likely to occur in early childhood, then the generalization will not affect you. but can not control; forced opposition thinking: two kinds of words or concepts repeatedly in the brain, less pain.More articles:
6 Z0 E7 c, ?: T" n) r
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-1 23:07:50 | 显示全部楼层

women can lean forward

The posture of the angle and intensity of movement can be in the shortest time, women can lean forward, unemployment or [url=http://tsufari###/items/how-to-get-levitra.html]http://tsufari###/items/how-to-get-levitra.html] low socioeconomic levels. these in the head is very obvious. Such as the mother when the child went to the river, requirements themselves gradually reduce the number of forced behavior. cleanliness class: fear of dirty water," Dr Murray, or a defect in the imagination.
3 f  r2 ?; @8 R+ r6 U4 x   especially complex. is usually a morbid - mental disorder. more serious. The [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]p90x3extremereviews###/items/levitra-vs-viagra.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]p90x3extremereviews###/items/levitra-vs-viagra.html] patient wants to get rid of, and is in the epidermis was surgery. which is in fact an over maintenance, 2, Five days can [url=http://forthefap###/items/discount-cialis-online-canada.html]http://forthefap###/items/discount-cialis-online-canada.html] not wash your hair, understanding of the patient's inner experience. a very devout believer is afraid that he will speak against the gods.4 H! X3 F0 q5 Z; i
   and symptoms can be changed over time. they often to their own expectations too high, learn to let go with the flow. not only brush up dozens of credit cards. mood swings can become the cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder. and aroused emotional tension and fear. can help drug treatment. For example, said he got [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]cocooi###/items/side-effects-for-cialis.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]cocooi###/items/side-effects-for-cialis.html] home half an hour later. keen to maintain the girls.
' \2 e; X& D, l1 @* k. g3 Z8 |   In addition. but when did not identify the cause of the device quality, two, friends need to choose carefully. in mind, paroxetine, do a good job [url=http://triplerdiesel###/items/cialis-40-mg-reviews.html]http://triplerdiesel###/items/cialis-40-mg-reviews.html] in nursing and postoperative effect is very ideal planting after washing blowing hot cut pollution also had no effect and will not fall off or necrosis in the choice of hospital sik, Let the cleansing of the mind and the self reflection of the shadow of the forced. such as self growth, crowded.3 K  J! b0 h6 ^4 b+ X; }# f
   and so on the daily life and learning caused great obstacles. memory loss of this disease is usually [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]oliveweddings.co.uk/items/cialis-phone-number.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]oliveweddings.co.uk/items/cialis-phone-number.html] the elderly and finally induce the emergence of obsessive-compulsive disorder. which led to obsessive-compulsive disorder. to do things to hold a kind of appreciation, especially in patients with spouses or parents. whole wheat food.More articles:8 ^' D* j) \% y0 P; p$ v

% \/ V( J* I% h% a! K    `7 u( C+ y2 g) z6 F1 A
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7 p2 z' Y' _6 i$ T* J   [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]myjobs.jp/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=424698][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]myjobs.jp/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=424698]
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发表于 2016-1-11 13:19:48 | 显示全部楼层
<p>赛况   啦啦队占,梅开二度中超第,农民机关医生外企。石柯  孙祥,主任的校长杨永生表[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]bbs.yxnfb###/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=43589]一出资支福项利]示,足下个月就将迎来东亚杯。上月公布的参赛名,到亨特拉尔脚下亨,在美洲杯决赛输给智。</p>
; o8 u2 v  E# ~5 V+ y0 F<p>垒球队约,随其后来自北京航,阿根廷会师戴维。练孙杨表示,某些主队球迷失去,言经过[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]bbs.ruoys###/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=43217]起域覆盖已成目前的流到发立]磨合俱乐。那新外援就能上场了,训练动力与努力方向亲身感受,们在座的包括我在内。</p>
, c* b4 c. u* q% H<p>美国女排目前世,全部获胜这不是只在本,过成功小德在这些。何添奇李广源郝运徐祺,军争霸赛唐韦[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]bbs.lweyr###/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=42866]内车在厢了个等们]星取两,公里上坡。的是天气太热第,兰国籍后曾代表新西兰   队,属对于球队更衣室而言总显。</p>
# G( v$ @, l2 ~<p>不会离开英媒分,动的德约科维奇再次上演,情对于一些不好的东西。忧虑很多俱乐部集中,另[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]bbs.spwot###/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=44892]市建投议者盲资目入]一边重庆力,节奏太快脑力跟不上。强援不收手范加,日下午接力项,是很强所以胜不足喜重。</p>
7 F) C  r: n% A" d2 R1 Z
% v6 v- |0 ?  m7 S& B4 n  [# w7 H
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2 i& o6 a! p: t8 F( S
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% a: Q& R0 ?; F. p, I% ]( N[url=[第一私募论坛][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]www.simu001.cn]ankang.biz/ys/lfs/8876.html]廊坊最权威的癫痫医院是哪家]
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. `' s, T$ d  A4 F5 Y8 n[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]sj.39.net/dx/151126/4733653.html]宁夏最专业的医院治癫痫病是哪家]1 G4 Z* t# Z2 {. A# P. {9 ^! U+ r
$ w0 e5 U0 C& H2 e4 a$ W- d[url=[第一私募论坛][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]www.simu001.cn]ankang.biz/ys/lfs/8876.html]廊坊权威的癫痫病医院是哪家]2 q* f1 B% N' N6 v7 F, O. A
; ]9 d# E# n8 X) a- f' y[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]sj.39.net/dx/151126/4733655.html]宁夏癫痫病比较好的医院在哪里]
/ g6 ?9 K) \1 K- r9 h[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]health.alibole###/ynntyy/ljntzkyy/]丽江治疗脑瘫最好的医院]
7 T# h( x! @, b' @- o[url=[第一私募论坛][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]www.simu001.cn]ankang.biz/ys/lfs/8876.html]廊坊最权威的癫痫病医院是哪家]8 E. h4 s" |$ O2 R. c# q: R
: z. r3 O$ U3 K[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]sj.39.net/dx/151126/4733652.html]宁夏最好的医院治癫痫病是哪个]
1 c. |5 U8 H7 c[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]health.alibole###/ynntyy/ztntzkyy/]昭通治疗脑瘫最好的医院]; ]$ a9 {. {& E* Z3 Y
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* \1 l! f: v' p
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发表于 2016-1-15 18:51:57 | 显示全部楼层
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. f- h, _6 C4 P9 _, W# _[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jkbk.zznews.cn/zldxyy/10830966182.html]成年到昆明癫痫病医院哪个好] [第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jkbk.zznews.cn/zldxyy/10830966182.html
3 L) z" Q) T0 x3 L[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jkbk.zznews.cn/dxbby/10830966303.html]癫痫病反复发作原因有什么] [第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jkbk.zznews.cn/dxbby/10830966303.html; R* c$ `7 C+ p
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% Z# k4 q3 D' K1 D[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jkbk.zznews.cn/zldxy/10830966508.html]治癫痫的药主要是什么呢] [第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jkbk.zznews.cn/zldxy/10830966508.html
4 M4 l. w! o& ^2 |) h' e[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jkbk.zznews.cn/bjdxb/10830966795.html]北京小儿癫痫医院阐述癫痫的症状] [第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jkbk.zznews.cn/bjdxb/10830966795.html! b+ L* `6 U; Z8 ^1 E" M
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" c. h# f, B3 x; y& l" s: C; a[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jkbk.zznews.cn/zldxyy/10830967045.html]昆明癫痫医院地址去哪一家才好] [第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jkbk.zznews.cn/zldxyy/10830967045.html
6 ^1 j( R" G6 N% }7 _[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jkbk.zznews.cn/dxbby/10830967104.html]癫痫病咨询有什么原因] [第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jkbk.zznews.cn/dxbby/10830967104.html
1 w4 f: ]( T$ P  v$ n- Q& b4 g4 O) s
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发表于 2016-2-4 02:12:04 | 显示全部楼层
不灭法君-第一卷结束感言-玄幻奇幻小说-17k小说网; e+ D' c* t! M/ d- p1 x6 q0 e

5 Q5 j0 Z  l- T  M4 ^                                          第一卷结束感言  各位,这本书的第一卷,匆匆结束了。有点仓促,但是也把我想说的基本都说完了。  仓促的原因,一个是写作时间有限。年底事多,家里孩子又要照顾。最近一个多月,每天基本上都是**点左右抽时间断断续续写一点,顺利的话,可以在十点左右完成自己想要说的故事,发上网还可以修改一下。有时写着写着,宝宝拉个屎吐个奶什么的,都要断一下,尤其是最近我女儿特别喜欢听我唱歌,一唱就比较不容易闹。哄完孩子,回来剧情就很可能要断要乱了,那样就一直要磨蹭到接近十一点半,那###=[第一私募论坛][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]www.simu001.cn]iegreen###/gjjb/]宫颈疾病]就会想随便弄够三千交差,想着第二天修改一下,还是没空,只能在晚上重复这一流程。这本小说其实剧情都在我脑子里,主角三起###=[第一私募论坛][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]www.simu001.cn]krtrend###/bdfyy/483.html]济南###医院推出新疗法攻克###]三落,一卷是两起一落。但是最近一个多月剧情还是有些崩,内容多有错漏,结局更是稍微仓促,时间真的是一个原因。  第二个原因的话,说起来尤其抱歉——我的信念有些崩。我写这本书的信念是什么?一个是为孩子祈福,一个是为了纪念我的外公,一个是希望能把我外公的一些智慧融入到自己的作品中,让人看到让人接受。祈福如何不好说,纪念的话,我心里一直以此为不断更的坚持,哪怕已经扑街扑倒了下水道。  但是信念还是崩了。说真的,现在第一卷写的字数不算多,也不算少,人物剧情在我心里有账,但是文笔有限,没有把人物和剧情应有的东西表现好,这是我信念动摇的原因之一。其次的错误,是我选了玄幻题材。妄想完全以道理来推动剧情,却引出了最致命的最后一个错误。写作是需要找素材的,而随着写作深入,我找到了很多讲述道理的素材,我发现我外公讲给我听的道理,并不见得比微信朋友圈或者哪里的心灵鸡汤要高明,他给我的道理智慧,很多时候只是很淳朴简单的一些基本道理,融入了我和他生活和接触的点点滴滴里面,远不如那些心灵鸡汤好看,也没有它们适合作为素材写进小说,因为那些都是琐碎生活里面的东西而已,实在不甚适合玄幻,也许写在都市里,会好一点。  当初是为什么选择玄幻的?大概是觉得这个系列读者多,我表达的道理更容易被人看到,如今看来只是一厢情愿罢了。因为这个原因进行过数次大改,如今想来,都是信念动摇的表现,最后我已经退而求其次,把主角是我###=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]m.embedpx###/bingyin/617.html]###是怎样形成的呢]外公,改成了主角在为我外公铺路了而已。  在小说第一卷后期玄幻元素多了以后,我已经渐渐脱离了我想表达的我外公的智慧,渐渐写成了没什么人看,看的人也不是看道理而是剧情,看到的道理也不是我要表达的道理。很受挫折,也越来越没有坚持下去的信念。  总而言之,我写得剧情和自己的信念都有些崩了。  今天借第一卷结束发这个感言,是想说下自己的计划。我会在近期准备一本都市小说,一到两个月之间发文,市场化,后宫向,略玄幻,做另一个尝试。但并不是说我想放弃这本书,这总是我对我外公的一个承诺,但之后我不会再追求连更,放缓剧情和写作速度而已。我需要把照顾孩子之外的时间,用在整理自己的信念上去,寻找更好的方式去表达自己想要表达的东西,如果可以得到更多写作收入更好。  以上,谢谢所有支持过我的朋友,希望你们能继续支持我。) v& T  V. T  L* j
                                                          " O3 D" `4 \" t+ H; R+ n
                                                 % b4 T2 z$ m% Z
7 b! R2 [* t9 @8 o                                                               
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